Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 3 - First Love

Hmm. My first love? You know honestly I have never been in love before... But often one associates their first love with their first kiss, so maybe I could give this story a try? And this is a story that I typically enjoy telling!

SO. It was my freshman year at college and, gotta admit, the whole boy scene was completely new to me! No boys had ever liked me before, or paid much attention to me. During that first year of college, I held hands for the first time, cuddled for the first time and yes, KISSED for the first time when I was 19 days away from being 19 years old!

The set up for the kiss was pretty much amazing. It was after we went through the Draper Temple open house... (It was totally cool and not awkward at all that we did that... Promise!) and he wanted to take me some place special: Ensign Peak? I wondered if I would get my first kiss that night and my hopes were pretty high at that point! It was a rather cold night in the middle of March (it had just snowed and it was basically freezing) but people do crazy things when they're in fake love (aka sit outside in the freezing cold!) It was a beautiful night though and we could see the 3 temples and all of the city lights and the stars and we just sat there and had amazing conversation (like always) but he was acting so, SO weird. Like asking me, "Is there anything I could do to make this night perfect for you?..." And other random disconnected trailed off sentences... I was thinking in my head: Does he really expect me to ASK for my first kiss?! But the awkwardness had to stop, so I said "... Do you want to kiss me?" Lame response "Yes... and no... because I want to, but I don't want to complicate things...." BLAH blah blah. He mentioned listening to his head, I mentioned (while knocking on his dumb head) to listen to his heart... Essentially, I got talked out of my first kiss and it was just so, so awkward. Because apparently I am really awkward! 
The End.


JUST kidding! But I really did think that was the end. We kept talking and I was feeling more dejected than ever before in my life. We finally decided to get up and leave and when I got up and turned around to follow, he was standing there with his hands out for me to grab, so I did. And he said, "You want to know what someone amazing told me once? Listen to your heart." (SO cheesy... I know... But who doesn't love cheese?:]) With my hands in his, he pulled me in for the moment a girl waits for her whole life. But upon moving closer and closer towards him and the point when our lips would touch I realized that... I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO KISS!! And I suddenly felt so weird and my mouth turned to a smile and I guess instead of kissing it was essentially a lip bump? Bump! Like that. (Not to mention my eyes were open...) And I INSTANTLY erupted in UNcontrollable, hysterical LAUGHTER. I just laughed and laughed and LAUGHED about how ridiculous I felt and yet how awesome it was that I had my first kiss, from this boy who I actually liked and he actually liked me!! I HAD MY FIRST KISS!!! And I was on top of the world, and literally as well! What wasn't there to laugh and be happy about?! He said, somewhat offended, "You didn't even kiss me back..." And all I could do was hug him between my laughter and say, "hahaHAHA I don't know HOW, BAHAHA I DON'T know HOW!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" I was pretty much on Cloud 9 for the next few days that followed... It was a beautiful place to be :]

...Well MAYbe that story isn't as cool as I thought... but I still love it! I'd really like to think that my kissing has much improved from the tight lipped awkward smile lip bump kissing days :] (Not to say that I have had a lot of practice, mind you...) Though I will admit, the second time I ever kissed someone I did end up laughing as well... What can I say? :]


  1. I loved reading this Leslie. I think we have all felt exactly what you described. What a great story and you tell it so well. It made me laugh.

  2. Oh my!! that totally reminds me of myself! haha i love you to pieces you are the best!

  3. Hahahahaha, that's hilarious! I love that you totally stayed yourself through the whole thing. I could just see it happening. It's so funny that you flat-out asked him if he wanted to kiss you AND that you told him you didn't know how to kiss back. I'm frightened that my first kiss will be so many heaps of awkward that I'll never be able to tell it.

  4. Haha. I love "people do crazy things when they are in fake love." sit outside in the cold. So true. I don't do anything fun like that anymore!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story. The awkwardness is epic!
